Open Courses

Roy Group believes in leadership at all levels. Available to team members and individuals alike, our open courses offer a ready-made recipe for lasting change in the way your organization operates. You’ll come for the learning, and leave with game-changing tools that you can use as soon as you touch back down at work.

The Road To Mastering Your Conduct

Whether virtual or in person, open courses offer a chance to explore, acquire and practice leadership tools that will change the way you operate at work. Experiential and interactive, our programs spark learning through doing, not just listening and talking.

Roy Group program designs are thoughtful and intentional, and supported by first-class logistics, catering and venues to maximize learning. Well-designed materials reinforce what you’re learning and stick with you afterward so you can bring your new knowledge back to your team, the classroom, or the board meeting. We provide simple frameworks to help you internalize and deploy your new leadership development tools.

The Leadership Trifecta

Over the years, we have developed three standing offerings for our open courses. In The Leader’s Discipline™, we bring together professional coaches to share the tools of their trade with leaders. This course is an intensive exploration of a coaching approach to leadership. We create a personal operating system to build a culture of accountability, marked by ever-increasing levels of performance, learning and engagement. Pretty powerful stuff.

In Opportunity in Conflict™, Roy Group mediators and negotiators share their tools and expertise in an interactive exploration of the transformative nature of conflict. Leaders learn to address problems constructively by inviting understanding and looking for opportunities.

And in Tools of Engagement™, our professional facilitators open leaders’ eyes to the tools that are available to help them run better meetings, deliver stronger speeches, conduct more powerful panel forums and more. We look at what’s effective for engaging a wider community system, for communicating across silos, and for creating a true learning organization.


Regardless of people’s position, engaging Roy Group means that people at all levels of the organization are going to be invited to lead. Even if you’re the newest joined intern, our invitation is to everybody. We all have chances to lead every day, and the more of those you take, the better you become at leading. That changes things. We don’t see the formula as a genius leader at the top with some helpers — that’s a dead end. Our invitation to leadership is for everybody.

Yolanda Moran, Roy Group learning lead, leadership

Who Are Open Courses Suited To?

  • Your scouts.
    Leadership development — and whether a firm’s approach appeals to you — is all about chemistry. Organizations who haven’t yet worked with Roy Group will often send one or two ‘scouts’ to an open course, to assess the content, delivery and human connection.
  • Your new talent.
    Your seasoned team members have already done The Leader’s Discipline™, Opportunity in Conflict™ or Tools of Engagement™, and you want your new hires to have access to the same tools and competencies.
  • Self-developers.
    Not every organization makes room in the budget for personal and leadership development. But because you take your own professional development seriously, you absolutely make room in your budget. Roy Group welcomes these kinds of self-directed, motivated leaders.
  • Special partnerships.
    Sometimes we invite people to join us on an open course because we see ways our groups can work together to deliver better leaders into the world. We are always open to collaborations that raise our game, and that make a finer contribution.

I spend a lot of my time working with entrepreneurs and leaders as they grow our businesses. Roy Group’s approach allowed us to dig into the most complex challenges — the stuff that ego, bad listening skills and organizational structure often hide. Months later, I continue to find their approach to be insight-generating and powerful. If you have the opportunity to work with Roy Group as a team, I recommend you do. The experiential learning helped us reframe obstacles as an opportunity to be better — and it’s incredibly fun.

Rasool Rayani, Owner & President
Heart Pharmacy Group

After hearing from colleagues, friends and peers that participated in The Leader’s Discipline workshop, I was convinced it was worth my time and effort to give it a shot. That experience was transformative to my leadership approach. More importantly, I immediately saw how this content and this level of quality was in complete alignment with my organization’s strategic focus to assist in dramatically increasing the leadership capacity within Victoria’s tech community. We have since partnered with Roy Group to put many cohorts through a variety of workshops covering many vital facets of leadership. Our members have told us that these have been the most valuable and impactful things we have done to support the growth of our local tech sector and urged (demanded, to be honest) that we offer this type and quality of training throughout the year. In our efforts to support the scale-up of the many local tech companies in our region, Roy Group has been our primary partner in course design and delivery and it is making a difference every day.

Dan Gunn, CEO
Victoria Innovation, Advanced Technology and Entrepreneurship Council (VIATEC)