Roy Group News


Roy Group Call To Action

Don’t Underestimate Just How Much the World Needs Us

For everyone at Roy Group, Christmas 2020 feels a bit like the break after a first period of a hockey game. We sense we are 1/3 of our way into this challenge and that there are 2/3 of this test left. We sense things might get harder before they get easier. We are hoping that it doesn’t go to overtime. And we feel the responsibility to share whatever we have to help everyone in this dressing room have what they need for what lies ahead.

When we started Roy Group in 2004, we knew that the world needed leaders who knew how to coach, leaders who had ways of working with conflict, leaders who deeply engage those around them and leaders who were as much committed to inviting greatness from others as they were great results.

What we did not know was that in 2020–2021 our world would need these things more than it has since we started.

What’s New in 2021

  • Open Offering expanded to position leaders for this new reality
  • All offerings available in a high-quality virtual format

1. Refinding the Future 2021: A Leader’s Discipline Recharge

Created for those of you who have been with us through The Leader’s Discipline™, the Refinding the Future 2021 Recharge will re-ignite your practice of coaching in light of the current circumstances.

  • 8 hours (4 sessions x 2 hours)
    Thursdays, 2021 January 14–February 4
    11:30-1:30pm PST / 12:30-2:30pm MST
  • Core precepts from The Leader’s Discipline anchor new and innovative methods for inviting human potential at a time when we need it in play.
  • Offers some useful new tools that Roy Group has been deploying with leaders, helping them to stay resilient while leading through complexity.


2. The Leader’s Discipline: A Coaching Approach to Leadership

If you haven’t yet taken The Leader’s Discipline, join us for the upcoming session.

  • 21 hours (9 sessions @ 2-3 hours per session)
    2021 February 9–March 11 (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
    Early Bird Discount ends December 11th
  • Experience practical models to increase employee performance, learning and engagement.
  • Practice and build ability in coaching emerging leaders and teams.
  • Increase confidence in giving and receiving honest feedback.


Further Call To Action

If you have taken The Leader’s Discipline … you understand that your conduct with others can be a gift. The world needs you now more than ever.

As a graduate of The Leader’s Discipline, please consider referring the LD Open Course to those in your network for whom this experience will be perfectly timed. We cannot underestimate how much of a lifeline is provided when a leader understands the power of coaching – to connect, challenge and care for the people that they work with. We want to equip organizations and communities with these kinds of leaders.

Click here for a complete list of our 2021 offerings
Contact us for special pricing for teams