Our Badges

Roy Group badges signify to others–employers, colleagues, professional organizations, clients and potential employers–the depth and breadth of your skills and learning through Roy Group leadership development courses. The requirements to earn our current twelve badges show an overview of the type of ongoing work that we do with our clients in developing a cohesive, leadership culture within their organization that makes them ready for change and resilient in the face of future challenges.

Badge Details

A Coaching Approach to Leadership

The Leader’s Discipline™ is an intensive exploration of a coaching approach to leadership. A personal operating system is created to build a culture of accountability, marked by ever-increasing levels of performance, learning and engagement.

Through this experience, participants practice skills to

  • Notice how mental state influences performance, learning and engagement
  • Practice and build on their ability to coach leaders and teams of leaders
  • Investigate when coaching is most effective
  • Address current leadership issues
  • Increase their ability and confidence in giving and receiving honest feedback

Contact Hours: min. 16 hours
Commitment: 2.5 days in person; Online, as arranged
Prerequisite: none
Participant Group: 6-24

Engaging Difficult Conversations

This badge is awarded to leaders committed to the constructive transformation of conflict into opportunities for growth, learning and development.

Opportunity in Conflict™ is an interactive exploration of the transformative nature of conflict. It is designed for leaders who want to address problems constructively by inviting understanding and detecting opportunities.

Through this experience, participants practice skills to

  • Develop an understanding of interest-based negotiation and how to do it
  • Gain new strategies in preparing for and navigating through difficult conversations
  • Practice skills for analyzing and transforming difficult situations
  • Practice skills for delivering tough messages
  • Develop a capacity to create graceful change and stronger relationships

Contact Hours: min. 16 hours
Commitment: 2.5 days in person; Online, as arranged
Prerequisite: The Leader’s Discipline™ (suggested)
Participant Group: 12 – 24 individuals

Exploring Personal Leadership and Development

This badge is awarded to leaders committed to self-discovery, by being inwardly directed and outwardly open to the insights of others.

Focus on Self™ provides an opportunity for leaders to reflect on their own life story, philosophy of leadership and future direction. Incorporating the use of 360° feedback from their organization, leaders ultimately gain clarity on the stories they would like to create in the world around them.

Through this experience, participants practice skills to

  • Reflect on deepening themes in their story to date
  • Receive feedback from those experiencing their leadership
  • Make important choices about personal direction, conduct and practices
  • Offer, share and receive support from other leaders
  • Construct a plan for personal and professional development moving forward

Contact Hours: 16 hours
Commitment: 2.5 days in person; Online, as arranged
Prerequisite: The Leader’s Discipline™
Participant Group: 12 – 18 individuals

A Systems Approach to Teams and Communities

This badge is awarded to leaders committed to creating the space for meaningful conversations in groups of 5 to 500.

Tools of Engagement is a survey of unique and effective approaches for hosting better group meetings, creating a learning organization and engaging the wider community system.

Through this experience, participants practice skills to

  • Extend the philosophies of a coaching approach from small teams to larger systems
  • Gain an understanding of the practicality of leadership at all levels and the learning organization
  • Learn new and engaging alternatives to overused keynotes, Panel forums and ineffective meetings
  • Acquire new, timely and effective approaches for communicating properly across silos
  • Gain an appreciation of the value of story in organizational life

Contact Hours: 16 hours
Commitment: 2.5 days in person; Online, as arranged
Prerequisite: The Leader’s Discipline™ (suggested)
Participant Group: 15 – 24 individuals

An Introduction to Positioning Others

This badge is awarded to leaders interested in tools for positioning others to amplify performance, learning and engagement.

The Practice of Coaching is an introduction to the experience of being coached, coaching others and functioning within a coaching culture where individuals support and challenge each other through intentional conversations.

Through this experience, participants practice skills to

  • Discover the strong influence of personal conduct in leadership
  • Observe and review two “live” coaching sessions in real time
  • Practice giving and receiving feedback related to performance
  • Work in drills to integrate key coaching approaches
  • Reflect on opportunities for practicing coaching in the future

Contact Hours: 8 hours
Commitment: 1 day in person; Online, as arranged
Prerequisite: none
Participant Group: 12 – 300 individuals

A Coaching Approach to Conflict

This badge is awarded to leaders preparing to address necessary conversations normally avoided.

Engaging Difficult Conversations is an introduction to constructive approaches, tools and ideas for navigating through everyday conflicts in the workplace.

Through this experience, participants practice skills to

  • Explore their personal style and approach to conflict
  • Learn how to listen for important cues and how to respond
  • Gain new strategies in preparing for and navigating through difficult conversations
  • Investigate when to intervene in a difficult situation
  • Increase their confidence in engaging a variety of perspectives

Contact Hours: 8 hours
Commitment: 1 day in person; Online, as arranged
Prerequisite: none
Participant Group: 12 – 300 individuals

Harnessing the Creative Process

This badge is awarded to leaders committed to exploring the rigor and creativity required for effective collaboration.

The Collaborative Team is a series of experiential exercises designed to uncover, explore, test and practice the mindset of the creative collaborator and the teams that own excellent performance together.

Through this experience, participants practice skills to

  • Explore their own creative style
  • Learn to respond to initiatives and ideas of others productively
  • Reflect on the value and purpose of collaboration and when to invite it
  • Increase their capacity to keep collaborative projects on track and focused
  • Engage in a collaborative design that meets a defined and evolving goal

Contact Hours: 16 hours
Commitment: 2.5 days in person; Online, as arranged
Prerequisite: The Leader’s Discipline™ (suggested)
Participant Group: 15 – 18 individuals

Deepening understanding and practice

This badge is awarded to leaders committed to continuing to practice their craft. The Recharge badge may be earned multiple times.

Recharges are integration events that build on the foundations of learning and practice that occurred during keystone experiences, such as The Leader’s Discipline, Opportunity in Conflict and Focus on Self. Prior to a Recharge, participants have had time to apply and practice the learning. The integration experience provides the opportunity to continue deepening both understanding and practice in a supervised setting so that leaders can get real-time feedback on their performance from both peers and course facilitators.

Through this experience, participants practice skills to

  • Reflect on current successes and challenges in application of theory and skills
  • Share learning and discuss possible approaches in light of specific contextual features
  • Practice and integrate learning in real time
  • Set goals for further practice and integration

Contact Hours: 8 hours or as arranged
Commitment: 1 day in person; Online, as arranged
Prerequisite: One of the 16-hour keystone courses
Participant Group: 6 – 30 individuals

The Practice of Being Empty

This badge is awarded to leaders committed to practicing right action through the complimentary disciplines of reflection, inquiry and pause.

The Power of Pause is a survey and introduction to the practices of pausing from around the world, designed to provide leadership practitioners the opportunity to explore, experience and perhaps choose approaches that they can make their own.

Through this experience, participants practice skills to

  • Explore the imperative of pausing within the relentless call to action
  • Engage a variety of approaches from experienced practitioners
  • Reflect on the value created and not created in their current work rituals
  • Examine the potential benefit of an increased level of vitality in personal and professional spheres
  • Craft a plan for incorporating more space for pause as a leadership practice

Contact Hours: 16 hours
Commitment: 2.5 days in person; Online, as arranged
Prerequisite: The Leader’s Discipline™ (suggested)
Participant Group: 12 – 15 individuals

Value Creation Through Design

This badge is awarded to leaders committed to fully participating in the creation of new value in their organization by bringing ideas into a design form.

Innovation Lab is a design process highlighting the necessity, rigor, focus and imagination required to create the concepts that will move organizations, communities and society forward in increasingly unpredictable organizational landscapes and markets.

Through this experience, participants practice skills to

  • Learn to recognize the difference between simple, complicated, complex and chaotic systems
  • Experiment with new mental models for leaders in innovative environments
  • Recognize the importance of progressing past brainstorming and ideation
  • Acquire tools and approaches for co-designing multiple innovative concepts
  • Increase their ability and confidence to move beyond “what works”

Contact Hours: 16 hours
Commitment: 2.5 days in person; Online, as arranged
Prerequisite: The Leader’s Discipline™ (suggested)
Participant Group: 15 – 36 individuals

A research and discovery process that empowers senior leaders to align

Base Camp is Roy Group’s research and discovery process that empowers senior leaders to align around a shared understanding of:

  • what territory your organization is moving into,
  • what kind of culture this will demand, and
  • how leaders will need to practice.

The outcome of this work will be an increased ability for your leadership team to:

  • be clear, together, on direction and strategy;
  • work as one team, committed to that direction;
  • frame a shared approach to leadership, for each other and the rest for the organization;
  • reflect rigorously on their own performance;
  • have honest conversations about problems; and
  • model effective leadership for the rest of the organization.

Contact Hours: 16-20 weeks
Commitment: 1 hour 1:1 virtual interview, 1 day with leadership team in person; 3 days with leadership team online
Prerequisite: none
Participant Group: 2-10

Ex Eximio Eximia

This badge is conferred upon individual Roy Group clients whose leadership development activities have made a significant impact on organizational practices.

The MacGregor Cup award is Roy Group’s highest honour and symbolizes a client leadership practitioner who demonstrates personal mastery, leadership and character. Ex Eximio Eximia means “Out of the finest (person) come the finest things.”

May we introduce you to our MacGregor Cup Recipients

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