Roy Group News

man quietly sitting on a dock with lake and mountains

Start. Again. A Practice Of Accountability

Photo by S Migaj on Unsplash By Ian Chisholm If you’ve known me for any length of time, you’ll know I like the idea of new starts. I like early mornings. I like September for the new start it represents. I like January for the same…
November 9, 2021 by Roy Group

When Your Chief Of Staff Passes The Baton

Formerly titled “What is it time for? Continuing the evolution,” this post originally took the form of a personal letter from our then Chief of Staff, Jonny Schwartz, to the whole Roy Group team. Jonny wrote his letter early in the summer…
September 24, 2021 by Roy Group
Mentor Carole Cooper and Yolanda Moran

Conversations With Roy: We Often Don’t See Our Mentors Until We Look Back

Every now and then, a person you never suspected turns out to be a powerful Mentor. You walk beside someone on the path for a few years. Or a few decades. And one day, you turn around and look back over all the ground you’ve covered together. And…
September 24, 2021 by Roy Group
The Roy Group Team takes a pause to build a sense of community at Bilston Creek Farm

Conversations With Roy: How To Build A Warm And Productive Community

We’ve been thinking a lot about pause over the summer. Our chief of staff noted hundreds of out-of-office emails when we sent out a recent announcement about the 2021 MacGregor Cup. This is good news. After 18 months of discombobulation,…
August 17, 2021 by Roy Group

Five Ways The Leader’s Discipline Made Me a Better Parent

By Vivienne Damatan If I’m being honest, my transition into parenthood was a rough one. When I had my daughter, I was the VP of sales at a growing tech startup and everything was going really well. Through a lot of focus and consistent…
June 25, 2021 by Roy Group

Choosing The Best Way To Have The Conversation That’s In Front Of You

In the moment, we think we need to know it all. We worry that if we don’t have the answers, then we’re not really leaders. And when we do have the answers (or think we do), we want to save some time by straight up sharing them with other…
June 25, 2021 by Roy Group

How I Learned To Bake Bread With A New Set Of Tools (Or: Exploring My Dread Of Virtual Learning)

By Donna Horn Great bakers bake great bread. That’s one of Robert Henderson’s lines. It means even when you’ve learned your craft, you keep honing and advancing and growing in mastery. You don’t worry about “being great”. All…
June 10, 2021 by Roy Group

How to Listen Like a Leader…Not a Know-It-All (and other great tips on how to earn the title of “Mentor”)

What qualities do we look for in a leader? What does it mean to create good in the world? Why is Mentor such a powerful word, and why do we treat it as a gift? What is it that jumps us to judgment instead of truly seeing the layered, gifted,…
June 1, 2021 by Roy Group

Why Would Anyone Write A Book?

By Ian Chisholm I remember very clearly the moment when I first understood why someone would want to write a book. I was sitting in the audience at a lecture given by Dr. Gabor Maté at the University of Victoria. He had just finished writing…
May 14, 2021 by Roy Group