Roy Group News


Tech Community to Host RG Leadership Series

It’s September. Six months after the world fell apart from a fast-moving virus. Some tech businesses have been relatively unaffected. Some tech businesses are booming. Some have adapted what they do and now need to move forward. The role…
September 17, 2020 by Roy Group
Coffee bean sprouts

A New Start

By Ian Chisholm Begin again. — meditation teachers everywhere What does the future hold? It's really up to you. September 1st has always been a new start for teachers and learners. And January 1 is a new start, too: These are my resolutions...…
September 11, 2020 by Roy Group

Donning the Guest Editor Hat for Douglas

As September nears and we dust ourselves off from the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, our co-founder Chiz has the honour of being Douglas magazine’s first-ever guest editor. His editorial opens the issue in classic Roy Group style, with…
August 27, 2020 by Roy Group

Leading From The Heart

A little while back, our special advisor Jim Hayhurst published an insightful article in Douglas about authentic leadership. The character he hangs his argument on is British Columbia’s steady-handed Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Bonnie Henry.…
July 23, 2020 by Roy Group

Announcing Roy Group’s 2020 MacGregor Cup Recipient

At a time when many leaders, teams and organizations are emerging from a disorienting few months, Roy Group has found an opportunity to celebrate by announcing our 2020 recipient of the MacGregor Cup. The MacGregor Cup is inscribed with the…
July 22, 2020 by Roy Group

The Value of Rich Feedback

When a chef creates a new dish, she samples it several times along the way to ensure it’s turning out the way she envisioned. This is a simple example of seeking and receiving feedback. When a teacher works with a student to improve his essay…
July 15, 2020 by Roy Group

It’s Time To Question Everything

This whole dilemma has exposed a lot of things that are not acceptable in our community, in our province, in the world. It is time for smart people to question everything, and really see if we can extract as much significant change from the…
June 15, 2020 by Roy Group

Readying And Steadying For Business Recovery

By Ian Chisholm This April, Douglas magazine reached out to Chiz for some wisdom around leading during the massively disruptive COVID-19 pandemic. With most businesses and non-profits finding their workflow, operations and sources of revenue…
April 22, 2020 by Roy Group

Communicating Clearly Through a Crisis

“In a time of crisis, it’s very important to communicate authentically and responsibly. And right now, organizations are really conflicted as to what is the right thing.” COVID has thrown everybody a curveball. As an organizational leader,…
March 20, 2020 by Roy Group